15 Scripts to Automate Docker Container Management
Link: https://blog.devops.dev/15-scripts-to-automate-docker-container-management-4bab4c3faf73
Each example comes with functioning code and detailed explanations.
1. Automatically Start All Containers
Sometimes after a system reboot or maintenance, you may want to start all stopped containers at once.
# Start all stopped containers
docker start $(docker ps -aq)
- ‘docker ps -aq’ lists all container IDs (stopped and running).
- ‘docker start’ starts the containers by passing the IDs as arguments.
2. Stop All Running Containers
Quickly stop all currently running containers.
# Stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -q)
- ‘docker ps -q’ lists IDs of only running containers.
- ‘docker stop’ stops these containers.
3. Remove Stopped Containers
Free up space by cleaning up stopped containers.
# Remove all stopped containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq -f "status=exited")
- `docker ps -aq -f "status=exited"` filters stopped containers.
- ‘docker rm’ removes them.
4. Remove Dangling Images
Clear unused Docker images to save disk space.
# Remove dangling images
docker rmi $(docker images -q -f "dangling=true")
- `docker images -q -f "dangling=true"` lists image IDs with no tags (dangling).
- ‘docker rmi’ removes these images.
5. Backup a Container’s Data
Export the filesystem of a running container to a tar file.
# Backup a container's data
BACKUP_FILE="${CONTAINER_ID}_backup_$(date +%F).tar"
docker export $CONTAINER_ID > $BACKUP_FILE
echo "Backup saved to $BACKUP_FILE"
- ‘docker export’ exports the filesystem of the container.
- Pass the container ID as an argument to the script.
6. Restore a Container from Backup
Recreate a container from a tar backup file.
# Restore a container from a tar backup
docker import $BACKUP_FILE restored_container:latest
echo "Container restored as 'restored_container:latest'"
- ‘docker import’ creates a new image from the tar file.
- The image can be used to start new containers.
7. Monitor Container Resource Usage
Display real-time stats for all running containers.
# Monitor resource usage of all running containers
docker stats --all
- ‘docker stats’ shows real-time CPU, memory, and network stats.
- ‘--all’ includes stopped containers.
8. Restart a Container Automatically
Ensure critical containers restart after failure.
# Restart a container with restart policy
docker update --restart always $CONTAINER_NAME
echo "$CONTAINER_NAME will now restart automatically on failure."
- ‘docker update --restart always’ configures the restart policy.
- Pass the container name as an argument.
9. Run a Container and Clean Up After Exit
Automatically remove a container after it stops.
# Run a container and clean up
docker run --rm $IMAGE_NAME
- ‘--rm’ removes the container when it stops.
- Useful for one-off tasks.
10. Check Logs of All Containers
Combine logs from multiple containers into one output.
# Display logs of all containers
docker ps -q | xargs -I {} docker logs {}
- ‘docker ps -q’ lists running container IDs.
- ‘xargs’ passes these IDs to ‘docker logs’.
11. Auto-Prune Unused Resources
Schedule automated cleanup of unused Docker resources.
# Prune unused resources
docker system prune -f --volumes
- ‘docker system prune’ removes unused containers, networks, and images.
- ‘--volumes’ also deletes unused volumes.
12. Update Running Containers
Recreate containers with the latest image version.
# Update a running container
IMAGE_NAME=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Image}}' $CONTAINER_NAME)
docker pull $IMAGE_NAME
docker stop $CONTAINER_NAME
docker run -d --name $CONTAINER_NAME $IMAGE_NAME
- ‘docker inspect’ fetches the image name of a container.
- The script pulls the latest image and recreates the container.
13. Copy Files from a Container
Extract files or directories from a container to the host.
# Copy files from a container
- ‘docker cp’ copies files between the container and the host.
- Pass container ID, source path, and destination path as arguments.
14. Restart All Containers
Restart all running containers quickly.
# Restart all containers
docker restart $(docker ps -q)
- ‘docker restart’ restarts containers by their IDs.
15. List All Exposed Ports
Check the exposed ports of running containers.
# List all exposed ports
docker ps --format '{{.ID}}: {{.Ports}}'
- ‘docker ps --format’ customizes the output to show container IDs and ports.
Feel free to tweak, experiment and customize them to your needs.
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